Friday, July 15, 2011

Who is Murdoch 默多克夫妇

Keith Rupert Murdoch was finally bagged. His reputation in tatters, how can he lead as News boss. In the media business, reputation is everything. 

As the leading conservative voice in the liberal news world, it is just time before News Group burns out.

With Obama shutting out Fox, FBI to investigate the phone hacking in the US, will News Corp be stripped its licences?

Who are supporters of Murdoch? Is he finished? What will happen to his Chinese wife Wendi
 On 25 June 1999, Murdoch, then aged 68, married Chinese-born Deng Wendi (Wendi Deng in Western style). She was 30, a recent Yale School of Management graduate, and a newly appointed vice-president of STAR TV.
Rupert Murdoch has two children with Deng: Grace Helen (born in New York 19 November 2001) and Chloe (born in New York 17 July 2003).

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