Thursday, April 22, 2010

A tale of two iphone losses

网络上的孙丹勇照片1984-20090716 Foxconn 富士康科技集团

Gray Powell 19830318- Apple Inc 苹果公司
孙丹勇 1984-20090716, Foxconn 富士康科技集团, lost 1 iphone gen 4. suicide under pressure from Foxconn management.
Gray Powell 19830318- Apple Inc 苹果公司. Lost iphone 4 at a bar. still employed by Apple Inc as of 20100420.

毕业于哈工大的孙丹勇年仅25岁. 2009年7月16日,富士康科技集团(深圳市宝安区)25岁的员工孙丹勇,从12楼跳下身亡。此前,公司交由其保管邮寄给苹果公司的16部苹果iphone样 机少了一部,孙曾接受公司环安课调查。



20100318, 27th birthday party for Gray Powell—a North Carolina State University 2006 graduate, DOB is guessed at 19830318. The Gourmet Haus Staudt, a German Restaurant.

Gen1: Release date Original: June 29, 2007[2]
Gen2: 3G: July 11, 2008[3]
Gen3: 3GS: June 19, 2009[4]

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