Wednesday, December 8, 2010


政治      “左”:主张平等高于自由;      ”右“:主张自由高于平等。
     “左”:关心社会公正;      “右”:关心个人权利。
经济      “左”:主张国家控制;      “右”:主张自由竞争。
     “左”:高税收,高福利;      “右”:低税收,低福利。
文化      “左”:强调世界性;      “右”:强调民族性。
     “左”:关心少数民族和弱势群体;      “右”:关心主体民族和社会精英。
教育      “左”:主张国家办学;      “右”:主张私人办学。
     “左”:强调人人获得教育的平等机会;      “右”:主张通过竞争来分配教育资源。
国防      “左”:强调协商,主张绥靖政策;      “右”:加强军备,喜欢武力威胁。
     “左”:鸽派:      “右”:鹰派。

“激进”与“保守” “左派”与“右派”

Friday, December 3, 2010




可替代能源、renewable energy
下一代信息技术、next generation information technologies
高端设备制造、high-end tool manufacturing
先进材料、advanced materials
替代燃料汽车 automobiles on substitute fuel or alternative fuels
能源环保技术。energy and environment protection technologies


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Residential electricity rates

Residential electricity rates are difficult to understand. It takes a PhD to read a utility bill. Rates are based on a tier system, similar to a progressive tax system's tax bracket. The more juice you use, the higher rates will be. There is a baseline usage whose rate is lowest.

For a baseline usage of 12.1 kWh per day and PG&E's Electric Schedule E-1 published are used in the following plots. .

Rate per kWh in tabular form

Monthly payment of electricity bill.

Cost breakdown
Now that you have paid your electricity bill, how does that cost breakdown? For the Tier 1 rate, the power plants get about 5 cents out of a total 12 cents. PG&E which is responsible for distribution and transmission gets about 5 cents. The rest of 2 cents pay for all kinds of fees.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Translations for fishes

三文鱼 Salmon
八爪鱼 Octopus
加吉鱼 Sea Bream
墨鱼 Cuttlefish
多宝鱼 Turbot
多春鱼 Shisamo
太湖银鱼 Taihu Silver Fish
小黄鱼 Small Yellow Croakers
左口鱼 Halibut
带鱼 Ribbonfish
扁鱼 Silver Carp
桂鱼 Mandarin Fish
武昌鱼 Wuchang Fish
比目鱼 Flatfish
甲鱼 Turtle
石斑鱼 Sea Bass
花枝片 Sliced Squid
草鱼 Grass Carp
酥鱼 Crucian Carp
金枪鱼 Tuna
长江鲥鱼 Hilsa Herring
马哈鱼 Salmon
马鲛鱼 Mackerel 又叫做橡皮鱼
鱼翅 Shark’s Fin
鱼肚 Fish Maw
鱼贝 Scallops
鱿鱼 Squid
鲈鱼 Perch
鲍鱼 Abalone
鲔鱼 Tuna
鲟 Sturgeon
鲢鱼 Silver Carp
鲫鱼 Crucian Carp
鲳鱼 Pomfret
鲶鱼 Cat Fish
鲽鱼 Flatfish
鳕鱼 Codfish
鳗鱼 Eel
鳟鱼 Bulltrout
龙利 Flounder

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Natural number

`sum_(i=1)^n i^3=((n(n+1))/2)^2`
where `(V_1)<(V_2)`

Monday, September 27, 2010

Math equation input 2

`sum_(i=1)^n i^3=((n(n+1))/2)^2`

\begin{gra ph}width=400; height=300; xmin=-6.3; xmax=6.3;
xscl=1; plot(3cos(x^2)) \end{graph}

Displacement: s = u t + 1/2 a t^2
Trigonometry: tan^2x+1=sec^2x
Summation: pi = 4 sum_(i=1)^(n) ((-1)^(k+1))/(2k-1)


`f(x)=sum_{n=0}^oo (f^n (a))/(n!) (x-a)^n`



Quadratic Equation

If ax2+bx+c=0, then

Fractions on Fractions

6x+232x+4=6x+2 ÷ 32x+4=6x+2×2(x+2)3=4

Another matrix example

This next example was one I tried to create using WPMathPub but had trouble because it wasn’t very intuitive (see WPMathPub article).


Now, that was much easier compared to WPMathPub! This is the code I used for the above ASCIIMathML:

[(5, 3, cos 2), (6, 7, 0), (1,-2, sin 5)]

In ASCIIMathML, it can be rendered easily like this:

3∫x2 dx+5∫x dx+9∫ dx

This is some example code:

\begin{gra ph}width=400; height=300; xmin=-6.3; xmax=6.3;
xscl=1; plot(3cos(x^2)) \end{graph}

Here is the resulting graph. Move your mouse cursor over the graph – it tells you the x- and y-coordinates of the cursor position.

1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 1 2 3 4 -1 -2 -3 -4
width=400; height=300; xmin=-6.3; xmax=6.3;xscl=1; axes(); plot(3cos(x^2))

I’ll do a separate article soon about the graphing capabilities of ASCIIMathML.

agraph plot(sin(x)) endagraph

axes(2, 1, "labels", 1)

stroke = "blue"

stroke = "red"
plot(["5*t*cos(pi*t)", "5*t*sin(pi*t)"],0,1)

stroke = "green"
strokewidth = "2"
marker = "arrowdot"
line([0,1], [pi/2,1])
dot([pi,0], "open", cpi)

text([-2.5,-2.5], "ASCIIsvg Example")

Type this See that Comment
`x^2+y_1+z_12^34` x2+y1+z1234 subscripts as in TeX, but numbers are treated as a unit
`sin^-1(x)` sin-1(x) function names are treated as constants
`d/dxf(x)=lim_(h->0)(f(x+h)-f(x))/h` ddxf(x)=limh→0f(x+h)-f(x)h complex subscripts are bracketed, displayed under lim
$\frac{d}{dx}f(x)=\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$ ddxf(x)=limh→0f(x+h)-f(x)h standard LaTeX notation is an alternative
`f(x)=sum_(n=0)^oo(f^((n))(a))/(n!)(x-a)^n` f(x)=∑n=0∞f(n)(a)n!(x-a)n f^((n))(a) must be bracketed, else the numerator is only a
$f(x)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{f^{(n)}(a)}{n!}(x-a)^n$ f(x)=∑n=0∞f(n)(a)n!(x-a)n standard LaTeX produces the same result
`int_0^1f(x)dx` ∫01f(x)dx subscripts must come before superscripts
`[[a,b],[c,d]]((n),(k))` [abcd](nk) matrices and column vectors are simple to type
`x/x={(1,if x!=0),(text{undefined},if x=0):}` xx={1ifx≠0undefinedifx=0 piecewise defined function are based on matrix notation
`a//b` a/b use // for inline fractions
`(a/b)/(c/d)` abcd with brackets, multiple fraction work as expected
`a/b/c/d` ab/cd without brackets the parser chooses this particular expression
`((a*b))/c` (a⋅b)c only one level of brackets is removed; * gives standard product
`sqrt sqrt root3x` x3 spaces are optional, only serve to split strings that should not match
`<< a,b >> and {:(x,y),(u,v):}` 〈a,b〉andxyuv angle brackets and invisible brackets
`(a,b]={x in RR | a < x <= b}` (a,b]={x∈ℝ|a grouping brackets don't have to match
`abc-123.45^-1.1` abc-123.45-1.1 non-tokens are split into single characters,
but decimal numbers are parsed with possible sign
`hat(ab) bar(xy) ulA vec v dotx ddot y` ab^xy¯A̲v→x.y.. accents can be used on any expression (work well in IE)
`bb{AB3}.bbb(AB].cc(AB).fr{AB}.tt[AB].sf(AB)` AB3..ℬ..AB.AB font commands; can use any brackets around argument
`stackrel"def"= or \stackrel{\Delta}{=}" "("or ":=)` =defor=Δ(or:=) symbols can be stacked
`{::}_(\ 92)^238U`  92238U prescripts simulated by subsuperscripts

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Beijing tourist info

Information for travel in Beijing

Beijing Subway

as of 2010 at RMB2 one way, it is just super. However, the service can improve. Handicapped cannot ride certain route. also the gap between subway train and platform can be as big as six inches, a person can miss step and fall into the gap.

map of 2010 Beijing Subway

Friday, July 30, 2010

多晶硅标准曲线发展 minimum $20/kg



还原电耗80-综合电耗200 kWh/kg at $0.1/kWh it will be $20/kg for the cost of electricity.

施正荣 无锡尚德 (STP.NYSE)pk 苗连生 天威英利 (YGE.NYSE)

  • 施正荣 pk 苗连生
  • 南尚德,vs 北英利
  • 技术派施正荣 pk 成本杀手苗连生
  • 海龟博士pk 土硕士
  • 澳大利亚南威尔士大学太阳能学科博士 pk 北京大学MBA
  • 施正荣 vs 军人苗连生与“军营”英利
和一般企业家不同的是,苗连生有着长达15年的军旅生涯,他曾两次赴越南,一次是“援越抗美”,一次是“对越自卫反击战” 军人”苗连生与“军营”英利 - 雅虎财经URL Accessed Friday, July 30, 2010

Did 苗连生Miao Liansheng , 54 ever kill any Americans ? 上市公司:天威英利(YGE.NYSE),2007年6月IPO 天威英利 could be controlled by People's Liberation Army (PLA). 天威保变 < 保定市国资委的天威集团< 央企中国兵装集团

Yingli Green Energy Holding Co. Ltd. (YGE) Mr. Miao Liansheng , 54
Chairman, Chief Exec. Officer, Vice Chairperson of Tianwei Yingli and Chief Exec. Officer of Tianwei Yingli

3 施正荣
总排名71 无锡尚德
男 46 出生于江苏扬中
11 苗连生
总排名271 天威英利
男 53 出生于河北保定 北京大学MBA


在当前中国光伏发电行业,一直有“南尚德,北英利”之说。与“技术派”施正荣相比,营销起家的苗连生被誉为“成本杀手”。在2009年广受关注的敦煌电站 招标项目中,英利所提供的组件报价是0.69元/度,远低于业内超过2元/度的平均成本,为此苗连生几乎挨了半年的骂,被斥为“规则破坏者”。



百世德is a shell company, controlled by 彭小锋都是最大股东.中广核是投资方. Enfinity光伏系统集成商


OMG, poly Silicon $28/kg or $0.28/g 产品纯度可达9N(99.9999999%)以上,达到国际先进水平。

Accessed Friday, July 30, 2010.

施正荣:光伏电价谁能达到0.8元/千瓦时 我给1000万美元 - 全球最大 资讯最全-太阳能光伏网
Accessed Friday, July 30, 2010.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

工业品出厂价普降 钢铁石化品跌幅居前

工业品出厂价普降 钢铁石化品跌幅居前

统计局:工业品出厂价普降 钢铁石化品跌幅居前--经济频道--人民网
人民网北京2010/6月17日专电 (记者扎西)17日,国家统计局发布部分重点企业主要工业品 出厂价格。数据显示,5月下旬至本月上旬,相应产品价格整体下滑,其中钢铁制品及石化产品跌幅较大。

  因受国家调控房地产市场影响,加 上经济增长放缓,汽车产量、房屋开工率等指标均有显著下滑,使得下游钢材、有色需求锐减,引发价格滑坡。同期,国际油价出现大幅回落,发改委于5月末下调 国内成品油零售价220-230元/吨,国内石化产品价格随之进一步下行。

  数据显示,5月21日至6月10日,国内大中型普钢环比下 滑3.6%-13.1%,小型线材下滑4.4%-7.3%。其中各类螺纹钢价格在 3532.4-3760.8元/吨,环比下滑3.6%-7.3%;同期 品位在56%以上的铁矿石报价为580.4元/吨,环比下滑6.5%。同期,国内原油出厂价为3747.1元/吨,环比下滑4%。成品油方面,93#汽 油、97#汽油、-10#柴油、0#柴油出厂价分别为6404.5元 /吨、6846.9元/吨、6035.2元/吨和5464.8元/吨,环比分别下滑 2.7%、2.5%、2.7%和3%。乙烯出厂价为7860.9元 /吨,环比下跌9%。

  有色金属方面,铜价42692.3元/吨, 环比下滑6.5%;铝锭11421.5元/吨,环比下滑6.2%。同期,各型号水泥出厂价则在248.9-378元/吨不等,环比下滑 1.8%-2.1%。国内无烟煤价格为452.7元/吨,环比涨1.1%。


Thursday, June 17, 2010 4:06:28 PM

Monday, June 14, 2010

Deepwater Horizon oil spill, a death by thousand knives, winners and losers

Deepwater Horizon oil spill 4202010

light Louisiana crude oil shows the color of orange to red. I suspect the black part of crude was lost to solidification under high pressure under sea.
How bad is the situations

The gusher, now estimated by the quasi-official Flow Rate Technical Group to be flowing at 20,000 to 40,000 barrels per day URL Accessed Monday, June 14, 2010
At 30,000 barrels/day the amount of = 44 kiloton of TNT/day

Place Date Yield of the explosion
Hiroshima A-bomb 广岛 08/06/1945 15 kilotons TNT
Nagasaki A-bomb 长崎 08/09/1945 21 kilotons TNT
Deepwater Horizon Rig 04/20/2010 44 kilotons TNT/per day^a

leak based on 30,000 barrels/day . 1 Barrel = 42 US gallons = 5,800,000 Btu .

What is going to happen?
  1. the effect of oil contamination is long term. It will take more than 100 years for the nature to digest the crude. It takes millions years for the crude to form. The crude is kinetically stable, and thermodynamically unstable with chemist's parlance. Most of them are fused benzene rings.
  2. The crude will coagulate into balls with diameters ranging from millimeters to inches. And those tar balls will settle into holes of beaches.
  3. Those chemicals are toxic, carcinogin. They are water insoluble and soluble in fat. Therefore no more fish oils from Gulf.
  4. Fish will die. Fish gill will be neutralized by the radicals generated from the bio-degradation of crude oil, rendering fish cannot get oxygen from water.
  5. the damage is in the trillions US dollars. Therefore, BP has to file bankruptcy, and sell to a third party, such as Exxon Mobil or PetroChina. Sale to PetroChina is politically dead since last time CNOOC failed to buy Unocal because US Congress was vehemently against it. When the news announces, Exxon Mobil buys BP US interests, Exxon Mobil stock will dive. A buying opportunity for XOM for average investors?
  6. The current $3/gallon US gasoline at 06/14/2010 is too low, it doesn't cover the risk factor of crude production.
  7. higher cost for gasoline. Bad news for American drivers. Exxon and Saudis will laugh all the way to the bank.
Saudis >

Environment > car drivers > Obama.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thermodynamic properties of organic materials

Graphite is the lowest energy forms.

3.0 C2H2 g = 1.0 C6H6 g Change kJ/mol
Hf kJ/mol

82.9 -597.2
Gf kJ/mol

129.7 -497.9
S J/mol-K

269 -334

Asphaltene is bad for crude oil industry and it is dubbed as cholesterol of petroleum. Asphaltenic aggregates help form oil in water emulsion. This hinders the cleanup of the BP spill in 2010.

simple hydrocarbon to asphaltene, to graphite like coal. Viscosity goes up, eventually being solid.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Aviation week writes about use of Tier 1 supplier to get their know-hows in building a big airplane. Market for technology

动力装置 供应商  
发动机/短舱 GE  
系统 供应商  
航电系统 avionics Rockwell Collins
电源系统 Hamilton Sundstrand     APU Hamilton Sundstrand
高升力系统 Hamilton Sundstrand
液压系统 Parker Hannifin Corporation
燃油系统 Parker Hannifin Corporation
空气管理系统 Liebherr Aerospace SAS, Toulouse
起落架系统 Liebherr Aerospace GmbH, Lindenberg
发动机振动监测仪 Vibro-Meter SA
发动机接口控制装置 Vibro-Meter SA
主飞行控制系统 Honeywell-Parker
驾驶舱控制系统 SAGEM SA
防火系统 Kidde Aerospace
照明系统 Goodrich Hella Aerospace
内装饰系统 FACC
控制板组件 EATON
水/废水系统 Envirovac Inc.
应急撤离系统 Air Cruisers
氧气系统 B/E Aerospace Inc.
驾驶员座椅 Zodiac Sicma Aero Seat
风档玻璃和通风窗 Saint-Gobain-Sully
风档温控和雨刷系统 Rosemount Aerospace INC
风门作动器 MPC Products Corporatio
航空真空馬桶供應商 Envirovac Inc

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A tale of two iphone losses

网络上的孙丹勇照片1984-20090716 Foxconn 富士康科技集团

Gray Powell 19830318- Apple Inc 苹果公司
孙丹勇 1984-20090716, Foxconn 富士康科技集团, lost 1 iphone gen 4. suicide under pressure from Foxconn management.
Gray Powell 19830318- Apple Inc 苹果公司. Lost iphone 4 at a bar. still employed by Apple Inc as of 20100420.

毕业于哈工大的孙丹勇年仅25岁. 2009年7月16日,富士康科技集团(深圳市宝安区)25岁的员工孙丹勇,从12楼跳下身亡。此前,公司交由其保管邮寄给苹果公司的16部苹果iphone样 机少了一部,孙曾接受公司环安课调查。



20100318, 27th birthday party for Gray Powell—a North Carolina State University 2006 graduate, DOB is guessed at 19830318. The Gourmet Haus Staudt, a German Restaurant.

Gen1: Release date Original: June 29, 2007[2]
Gen2: 3G: July 11, 2008[3]
Gen3: 3GS: June 19, 2009[4]

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Slide 3幽默一下子

Slide 2


0岁出场, 10岁快乐成长,20为情仿徨, 30基本定向, 40拚命打闯, 50回头望望, 60告老还乡, 70搓搓麻将, 80晒晒太阳, 90躺在床上,100挂在墙上!



死皮赖脸这事, 干得好就叫执着。

1问:边做假药广告边痛斥假药危害的是什么?答:江湖骗子。错,是CCTV。 2问:比上大学还贵的是什么?答:出国留学。错,是幼儿园。 3问:为什么有人从几千米高直接跌落到不足千米却面不改色心不跳?答:是在跳伞。错,是中国股民; 4问:明明口袋里只有30元,却搞一大堆数据证明实际有100元的是什么人?答:骗子。错,是统计局。



没有房地产就没有新中国,没有房地产就没有新中国。房地产,它辛劳占耕地;房地产,它一心谋暴利。房地产 它忽悠就能活;房地产 它一心救中国 它指给了富豪圈钱的门路,它引导政府走向豪奢。它坚持了疯涨八年多,它改善了官员的生活;它构建了升官GDP,它收取了税费好处多。







和我一起毕业的许多同学大多数都成为了什么CEO、CFO、CIO、CCO啊之类的,总是一个C加上结尾一个O什么的?CCO不知道?Chief Culture officer。我呢,是大学财务系的主任,也是个O,财务英文的第一个字母是什么?F。然后大学是University,所以呢……UFO




生咱的、咱生的不能忘, 提拔咱的、咱提拔的不能忘;整咱的、咱整的不能忘; 爱咱的、咱爱的不能忘。
Slide 3

Slide 3

Slide 3

Slide 3

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Iron, a new life in power lithium ion battery

Iron is critical in human life both as a basic material, and as the oxygen transporter in the blood. The term of iron age is used to take the place of bronze age. Iron age tells how important the iron, then later steel is for the human civilization.

Oddily enough, there are 2 to 6 grams of iron in adults, enough to make a couple of nails. In biology, iron is credited with binding site for oxygen molecule in the red cell. Without iron, no life will be possible.

The strangest part is that iron finds new application in the lithium ion rechargeable battery. Lithium ion batteries are widely used in portable electronics because of their low weight, high energy density. An iron containing material is discovered to be one of the best for lithium ion battery. People dub the thus made batteries as LIFE batteries. Li and Fe are chemistry symbol for the elements of lithium and iron respectively.

The principle for iron in blood to transport oxygen molecules is the same as in the latest lithium ion battery. Is that amazing? The god, or nature picked iron to be used in blood, and now LIBs have iron in it which has the chemistry. The chemistry can be summarized as Fe3+/Fe2+ redox couple.

Iron is also one of the most stable nuclei in all elements. ie, either fusion of fission, will mostly likely lead to iron.

Computer Generated Images of Graphene

Space filling model of a simplified graphene.
Stick model of the same simplified graphene.

A different view of the above stick model of the same simplified graphene. Carbon, hydrogen labels removed.

Computer generated image for graphene with a formula of C52H18
Mol. Wt.: 642.7
C, 97.18% by weight; H, 2.82% by weight.
C-C bond distance 0.139 nm
C-H bond distance 0.112 nm

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Iwo Jima 硫磺礁岛
Tanaka, the most popular last name in Japan 田zhong

Friday, February 5, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Energy units

This is a quick-reference list of conversion factors used by the Bioenergy Feedstock Development Programs at ORNL. It was compiled from a wide range of sources, and is designed to be concise and convenient rather than all-inclusive. Most conversion factors and data are given to only 3 significant figures. Users are encouraged to consult other original sources for independent verification of these numbers. The following are links to Web sites we have found useful (many universities worldwide maintain good guides and conversion calculator pages):

Energy contents are expressed here as Lower Heating Value (LHV) unless otherwise stated (this is closest to the actual energy yield in most cases). Higher Heating Value (HHV, including condensation of combustion products) is greater by between 5% (in the case of coal) and 10% (for natural gas), depending mainly on the hydrogen content of the fuel. For most biomass feedstocks this difference appears to be 6-7%. The appropriateness of using LHV or HHV when comparing fuels, calculating thermal efficiencies, etc. really depends upon the application. For stationary combustion where exhaust gases are cooled before discharging (e.g. power stations), HHV is more appropriate. Where no attempt is made to extract useful work from hot exhaust gases (e.g. motor vehicles), the LHV is more suitable. In practice, many European publications report LHV, whereas North American publications use HHV.

Energy units

  • 1.0 joule (J) = one Newton applied over a distance of one meter (= 1 kg m2/s2).
  • 1.0 joule = 0.239 calories (cal)
  • 1.0 calorie = 4.187 J
  • 1.0 gigajoule (GJ) = 109 joules = 0.948 million Btu = 239 million calories = 278 kWh
  • 1.0 British thermal unit (Btu) = 1055 joules (1.055 kJ)
  • 1.0 Quad = One quadrillion Btu (1015 Btu) = 1.055 exajoules (EJ), or approximately 172 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe)
  • 1000 Btu/lb = 2.33 gigajoules per tonne (GJ/t)
  • 1000 Btu/US gallon = 0.279 megajoules per liter (MJ/l)
  • 1.0 watt = 1.0 joule/second = 3.413 Btu/hr
  • 1.0 kilowatt (kW) = 3413 Btu/hr = 1.341 horsepower
  • 1.0 kilowatt-hour (kWh) = 3.6 MJ = 3413 Btu
  • 1.0 horsepower (hp) = 550 foot-pounds per second = 2545 Btu per hour = 745.7 watts = 0.746 kW
Energy Costs
  • $1.00 per million Btu = $0.948/GJ
  • $1.00/GJ = $1.055 per million Btu

Some common units of measure

  • 1.0 U.S. ton (short ton) = 2000 pounds
  • 1.0 imperial ton (long ton or shipping ton) = 2240 pounds
  • 1.0 metric tonne (tonne) = 1000 kilograms = 2205 pounds
  • 1.0 US gallon = 3.79 liter = 0.833 Imperial gallon
  • 1.0 imperial gallon = 4.55 liter = 1.20 US gallon
  • 1.0 liter = 0.264 US gallon = 0.220 imperial gallon
  • 1.0 US bushel = 0.0352 m3 = 0.97 UK bushel = 56 lb, 25 kg (corn or sorghum) = 60 lb, 27 kg (wheat or soybeans) = 40 lb, 18 kg (barley)

Areas and crop yields

  • 1.0 hectare = 10,000 m2 (an area 100 m x 100 m, or 328 x 328 ft) = 2.47 acres
  • 1.0 km2 = 100 hectares = 247 acres
  • 1.0 acre = 0.405 hectares
  • 1.0 US ton/acre = 2.24 t/ha
  • 1 metric tonne/hectare = 0.446 ton/acre
  • 100 g/m2 = 1.0 tonne/hectare = 892 lb/acre
    • for example, a "target" bioenergy crop yield might be: 5.0 US tons/acre (10,000 lb/acre) = 11.2 tonnes/hectare (1120 g/m2)

Biomass energy

  • Cord: a stack of wood comprising 128 cubic feet (3.62 m3); standard dimensions are 4 x 4 x 8 feet, including air space and bark. One cord contains approx. 1.2 U.S. tons (oven-dry) = 2400 pounds = 1089 kg
    • 1.0 metric tonne wood = 1.4 cubic meters (solid wood, not stacked)
    • Energy content of wood fuel (HHV, bone dry) = 18-22 GJ/t (7,600-9,600 Btu/lb)
    • Energy content of wood fuel (air dry, 20% moisture) = about 15 GJ/t (6,400 Btu/lb)
  • Energy content of agricultural residues (range due to moisture content) = 10-17 GJ/t (4,300-7,300 Btu/lb)
  • Metric tonne charcoal = 30 GJ (= 12,800 Btu/lb) (but usually derived from 6-12 t air-dry wood, i.e. 90-180 GJ original energy content)
  • Metric tonne ethanol = 7.94 petroleum barrels = 1262 liters
    • ethanol energy content (LHV) = 11,500 Btu/lb = 75,700 Btu/gallon = 26.7 GJ/t = 21.1 MJ/liter. HHV for ethanol = 84,000 Btu/gallon = 89 MJ/gallon = 23.4 MJ/liter
    • ethanol density (average) = 0.79 g/ml ( = metric tonnes/m3)
  • Metric tonne biodiesel = 37.8 GJ (33.3 - 35.7 MJ/liter)
    • biodiesel density (average) = 0.88 g/ml ( = metric tonnes/m3)

Fossil fuels

  • Barrel of oil equivalent (boe) = approx. 6.1 GJ (5.8 million Btu), equivalent to 1,700 kWh. "Petroleum barrel" is a liquid measure equal to 42 U.S. gallons (35 Imperial gallons or 159 liters); about 7.2 barrels oil are equivalent to one tonne of oil (metric) = 42-45 GJ.
  • Gasoline: US gallon = 115,000 Btu = 121 MJ = 32 MJ/liter (LHV). HHV = 125,000 Btu/gallon = 132 MJ/gallon = 35 MJ/liter
    • Metric tonne gasoline = 8.53 barrels = 1356 liter = 43.5 GJ/t (LHV); 47.3 GJ/t (HHV)
    • gasoline density (average) = 0.73 g/ml ( = metric tonnes/m3)
  • Petro-diesel = 130,500 Btu/gallon (36.4 MJ/liter or 42.8 GJ/t)
    • petro-diesel density (average) = 0.84 g/ml ( = metric tonnes/m3)
  • Note that the energy content (heating value) of petroleum products per unit mass is fairly constant, but their density differs significantly – hence the energy content of a liter, gallon, etc. varies between gasoline, diesel, kerosene.
  • Metric tonne coal = 27-30 GJ (bituminous/anthracite); 15-19 GJ (lignite/sub-bituminous) (the above ranges are equivalent to 11,500-13,000 Btu/lb and 6,500-8,200 Btu/lb).
    • Note that the energy content (heating value) per unit mass varies greatly between different "ranks" of coal. "Typical" coal (rank not specified) usually means bituminous coal, the most common fuel for power plants (27 GJ/t).
  • Natural gas: HHV = 1027 Btu/ft3 = 38.3 MJ/m3; LHV = 930 Btu/ft3 = 34.6 MJ/m3
    • Therm (used for natural gas, methane) = 100,000 Btu (= 105.5 MJ)

Carbon content of fossil fuels and bioenergy feedstocks

  • coal (average) = 25.4 metric tonnes carbon per terajoule (TJ)
    • 1.0 metric tonne coal = 746 kg carbon
  • oil (average) = 19.9 metric tonnes carbon / TJ
  • 1.0 US gallon gasoline (0.833 Imperial gallon, 3.79 liter) = 2.42 kg carbon
  • 1.0 US gallon diesel/fuel oil (0.833 Imperial gallon, 3.79 liter) = 2.77 kg carbon
  • natural gas (methane) = 14.4 metric tonnes carbon / TJ
  • 1.0 cubic meter natural gas (methane) = 0.49 kg carbon
  • carbon content of bioenergy feedstocks: approx. 50% for woody crops or wood waste; approx. 45% for graminaceous (grass) crops or agricultural residues

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

几家欢喜几家愁 盘点嫁给老外的中国女运动员

几家欢喜几家愁 盘点嫁给老外的中国女运动员(图)
2010年01月04日 09:45:13  来源:新华网综合
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1994 年,16岁的诸宸参加马来西亚亚洲青年国际象棋锦标赛,她连挑数位男子国际大师,第5轮却输给一位叫穆罕默德的卡塔尔小伙子。那年9月,诸宸到巴西马丁霍 斯小城参加世青赛,穆罕默德居然把手表典当出去坐飞机跟到那里。此后,诸宸到哪里比赛,穆罕默德就跟到哪里,他鼓励她,安慰她,像个大男人一样保护她。在 卡塔尔婆家,诸宸享受许多“豁免”待遇,她可以不穿长袍不戴头巾,可以不干家务四处奔忙。

罕 默德在乎诸宸的感受,没有大男子主义,有什么事情都要夫妻协商。为了博得诸宸父母的喜欢,穆罕默德每次来中国前都把胡子剃得干干净净,等回到卡塔尔前再把 胡子蓄起来。这对具有皇室血统的“卡塔尔20世纪最杰出运动员”穆罕默德很不容易。2006年的亚运会,诸宸代表卡塔尔参赛了,这受到了某些人的非议,其 实诸宸已经为中国付出了很多,两人于2000年结婚,但诸宸一直代表中国参赛,她的所有世界冠军头衔,都是婚后获得的,而具有皇室血统的穆罕默德更是被评 为卡塔尔20世纪最杰出运动员。


巴塞罗那奥运会后,高敏退役,1995年与著名体育评论员苏东结婚,次 年儿子苏超出生。1996年,高敏与苏东离婚。1997年,高敏在加拿大的一次华人聚会中认识陈志刚,并最终走进婚姻的殿堂。高敏从小就有个梦想,就是拥 有一座漂亮的跳水馆,她带着自己的孩子们在家里练习跳水。没过多久,陈志刚把高敏带到一座新落成的漂亮的跳水馆前,说:“这是属于你的。不过,你什么时候 给我生个孩子,那样就美梦成真了。”



焦志敏与安宰亨认识于在1984年的巴基斯坦亚锦赛,1985 年,安宰亨拜托来韩国打比赛的耿丽娟给焦志敏带去了第一份礼物,从此,安宰亨与焦志敏开始礼尚往来。1989年,退役后的焦志敏自费到瑞典去留学。正在服 兵役的安宰亨在体育部长官的疏通下获准赴瑞典向焦志敏求婚,她们在韩国驻瑞使馆注册结婚。她们回到韩国时:汉城金浦机场将一个通道专门留给他们,电视台对 婚礼进行现场直播,警察整齐地站成一列,各路长官、会长的夫人和韩国乒坛名将手捧鲜花等在通道两旁。出了机场,警车开道护送。参加婚礼的嘉宾都是韩国各界 要员。


2004年11月7日,36岁的1992年巴塞罗那奥运会射击 冠军张山与澳大利亚裁判巴恩斯在成都结婚,伴娘是巴恩斯的两个女儿爱玛和丽娜。张山的朋友说:“这么老的姑娘终于嫁出去了,我们的心病也除掉了。”巴恩斯 幸福地说:“我追张山10年了,能倒在她的枪口下,真是无比陶醉啊。”张山于1993年在德国射击比赛,两人相识,并互有好感,但1995年后,张山再也 没有在国际大赛中碰到巴恩斯。直到2000年悉尼奥运会再相遇时巴恩斯已是一名裁判。他当运动员时,曾三度入选澳国家射击队,但没有在世界大赛上有所建 树。

原来1995年之后,巴恩斯经商去了,他曾结婚并有两个女儿, 其后离异。此后每有张山比赛,巴恩斯就向国际射击联合会申请裁判,两人没有道破关系,但都明了彼此的心思。与张山结婚后,巴恩斯想在中国扎根。他爱吃川 菜,还擅长厨艺,是张山的主心骨,也是张山一家人的开心果。他们现住在成都。


丹尼斯知道陈露是在1988年的莫斯科新闻杯,当时陈露12 岁,但陈露并不知道,她认识丹尼斯是1992年后同在美国参加世界明星巡回表演,在一次巡回演出的大巴上,陈露拿出一块薄荷糖并问周围的人要不要,没人作 声,她便把糖放进自己嘴里,这时丹尼斯开口了:我要。由于大家已经很熟了,我就张开嘴,开玩笑说:我已经放在嘴里了。没想到丹尼斯竟当众回应:那我也要! 结果,当着全车人的面,在大家善意的哄笑中,丹尼斯吻了她。但当陈露已芳心萌动时,丹尼斯却没了下文,甚至在陈露刻意创造独处机会时,丹尼斯更多的也只是 “嘿嘿”赔笑,关于感情却只字不提。于是在一次巡回演出前陈露将他约到酒店的咖啡厅,两人坦诚相对,陈露消除了丹尼斯的顾忌,于是恋爱关系确定了下来。 2004年,华润集团在深圳开的万象城内办了一个国际标准滑冰场,丹尼斯决定跟陈露一起到中国,并向她求婚。2005年7月8日,陈露将和丹尼斯在深圳完 婚。


1989年,何智丽移居日本,同小山英之结婚,改名小山智丽。 很少有中国人愿意提及这个名字,虽然乒乓球队对她有些不公,她的出走也是有些迫不得已。但5年后,小山智丽在广岛亚运会上战胜邓亚萍后,竟然当场喊出了 “哟西”,这确实让中国观众受不了,毕竟连真正日本血统的球员也没有那样喊过。在一次世界级的大赛上,在和中国乒乓球国家队队员比赛之前,她接受记者采访 时,居然说:“我一定会打败中国人!”由此可知,小山智丽的仇恨已经走火入魔,她嫁给小山英之,只怕除了成功,也有对报复的成份。1998年,小山智丽与 小山英之正式宣布离婚,此后她就很少出现在国际赛场上,据圈内人士透露,小山智丽因为公开与小山的婚姻破裂一事引起日本乒协的不满,相信是被日本乒协封 杀。