Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bear market in China 2012, 与2011年相比,2012年十大亏损企业的亏损总额增加了150多亿元,增幅67%


零售业寒意不减 多巨头关闭在华门店

零售业寒意不减 多巨头关闭在华门店

This week, the second store in China of MacDonald's  closed in Beijing,

WarMart, Home Depot, Best Buy all failed in China.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013



涉及行业:互联网 > 网络服务涉及企业:盛大
  在2011年酝酿美国上市失败之后,今年又传出盛大文学重启IPO之路,但就在这个紧要当口,盛大文学旗下的核心资产起 点中文网爆出重大人事动荡。有消息称,包括起点中文网创始人吴文辉为首的管理层携超过20名起点员工集体出走,准备融资另起炉灶,做一个与起点类似的文学 网站,直接与盛大文学对抗。吴文辉的这次出走,还有可能拉走部分起点的重要作者。
  网络文学并非发源中国,但它却被中国发扬光大。以起点中文网为代表,中国网络文学产业在世界领域都算开创了一种独一无二的新商业模式,作者先把 作品发布在网站公共阅读区,供用户免费阅读,用户积累到一定数量后,开始收取每千字2~5分钱,网站则通过一整套激励机制与作者分享利益。在这种商业模式 下,中国网络文学业产出了天文数字的“文学作品”以及网络作家。
  通过这种创新的商业模式,中国互联网公司世界少有的使“文学”实现了超大规模量产,但如果拿去华尔街讲商业故事,一个至关重要的话题却始终无法 回避:这是否一种可持续的商业机制?在这种机制下的盛产之物,其主要成分到底是文学还是文字垃圾,有真正文学价值与商业价值的文学到底占了多大比例?
  这个缺陷可以从网络文学的商业转化率得到验证。以盛大为例,几年来围绕网络文学产业一直在进行全行业的布局,从上游的起点中文网,到下游的影视 公司、网游公司,但即便如此,能从盛大文学旗下几百亿字的原创内容中转化出的影视、网游精品却寥寥无几。盛大文学连年亏损,直到本季度才凭借移动互联崛起 的大势首次实现扭亏,获净利润306.6万元。
  网络文学总产出量的极大丰富与极低的精品率,这鲜明对比的背后,是一个鼓励粗制滥造,妨碍优秀文化传播,使精品文学逐渐被逆淘汰的商业机制。在 这种机制下,网站、作家以及编辑的收入其实是靠读者投票与总连载字数决定。于是,网上最受欢迎、网站最乐于推荐的总是那些易讨得大多数人欢心的作品,这导 致意淫小说、低俗文学成为主流,谁的产量大谁赚的钱就多,在这种竞争机制下,劣币驱逐良币,想按常人逻辑严肃写作的作者很难生存。
  起点模式较之传统出版的一大优势是无纸化和面世门槛低,但这同时也更易使之陷入过度商业化的陷阱。文学编辑不再负责作品精雕细琢,而是把重点移 向商业化指导,他们不但指点作者如何迎合读者口味,还拥有过大的权柄,为了商业利益,很多网站编辑人为干预作品排行,大力推广那些炒作价值高于本身价值的 作品。这一模式同时还导致成名作者指向性偏高,普通作者越来越难有出头之日。
  网络文学的异军突起是互联网送给中国网民的一份大礼,它与内地市场对出版物的较严格管理密切相关,可谓失之东隅收之桑榆。在国外,由于出版较为 容易,这使得作者和读者不必向互联网投入更多精力,而在中国,大批读者和有水平的作者则投向了互联网,并结出了丰硕的果实。诚挚的希望,在中国网络文学能 够走出一条健康的商业化之路,而不是以毁掉网络文学精华为代价。如果那样,则不啻是走上了一条毁灭网络文学之路。

Monday, March 18, 2013

国家卫生部摘牌 计划生育委员会

201303 国家卫生部吃了计划生育委员会 , 计生委50万人下岗但不失业, , who is next to ax,

  1. 科委
  2. 体委
  3. 中国残联
  4. 中国文联
  5. 中国妇联
  6. 多样性保护国家委员会

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Higgs boson

Nanoink dead?

 Chad Mirkin?  both founded by Chad Mirkin
Nanosphere, NanoInk, AuraSense, and AuraSense Therapeutics

Nanoink $150M 10 y
Nanosphere $100 IPO, 2007,
One of the United State’s first nanotechnology companies, NanoInk, has gone belly up, joining a host of high-profile nanotechnology-based companies that have shuttered their doors in the last 12 months: KonarkaA123 Systems andEner1.
These other three companies were all tied to the energy markets (solar in the case of Konarka and batteries for both A123 and Ener1), which are typically volatile, with a fair number of shuttered businesses dotting their landscapes. But NanoInk is a venerable old company in comparison to these other three and is more in what could be characterized as the “picks-and-shovels” side of the nanotechnology business, microscopy tools. NanoInk had been around so long that they were becoming known for their charity work in bringing nanotechnology to the Third World
So, what happened? The news tells us that NanoInk’s primary financial backer, Ann Lurie, pulled the plug on her 10-year and $150-million life support of the company. After a decade of showing little return on her investment, Lurie decided that enough was enough. But that’s like explaining that a patient died because their heart stopped. What caused the heart to stop?

2007 Oct 31 (Reuters) - Nanosphere Inc, , on Wednesday raised $98 million with an initial public offering that priced at the bottom of a forecast range. The 7-million share offering priced at $14 per share, compared with a forecast range of $14 to $16, according to an underwriter. $14 a share now, 
today price 2.28
I call this weapon of mass destruction in capital.

+0.07 (3.17%)
20130314  Real-time:   1:56PM EDT
NASDAQ real-time data - Disclaimer
Currency in USD
Range2.16 - 2.29
52 week1.51 - 3.89
Vol / Avg.152,882.00/763,506.00
Mkt cap128.45M
P/E    -
Div/yield    -
Inst. own26%

Seems to me that looking for a market for the technology is like trying to put a square peg in a round hole. Perhaps the tech is ahead of its time, but when you have to "find" markets that do not have the need, it is a recipe for negative returns

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Buy apple stock now at $434 3/5/2013?

Buy apple stock now at $434 3/5/2013? at 400B company.

  1. iPhone 200
  2. iPad 0
  3. iMac0
  4. iTune 100
  5. Cash 130
Total 430B company
This didn't take growth into account, Google's killer app of Youtube and Google Map for iPhone and iPad. What gives, Google puts them out for free download, what kind of business logic?

Stock split
stock buybacks

Friday, March 1, 2013

Apple Inc 4.7% of earnings. 4.3% of free cash flow. 3.5% of dividends paid. 9.1% of cash on hand. - See more at:

4.7% of earnings. 4.3% of free cash flow. 3.5% of dividends paid. 9.1% of cash on hand. - See more at:
