Thursday, June 30, 2011

Which side does Giant Interactive Group favor

Giant Interactive Group Inc (GA 巨人网络) collaborated with People's Liberation Army to make a video game (光荣使命 which means Honorable Task) for PLA soldiers as a training platform. The assumed enemy is, you guessed right, America. How can an American investors owned company (GA) to be so anti-American. The worst case is that new video game will help kill American soldiers. That is a big no-no. Dear American investors, wake up. Ask yourself, do you have any control in the company?

Screenshot of Honorable Task

This is the first time such a product was ever introduced in China. The collaboration between Giant Interactive Group and PLA dated back to 2008. See report here.

GA IPO price was $15.5.  It now trades at about 50% of its IPO price. GA claims to be profitable but the Chinese government still subsidized GA. Between 2009 and 20110603, GA collected 156 M RMB from the Chinese government, according to published financial data.

No wonder GA helps PLA.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Solar price war between Sungevity and SolarCity

Lowe's buys stake in Oakland solar firm Sungevity  20110516

Solar price war between SolarCity and Sungevity

Sungevity is offering a $1000 referral bonus from Sungevity! Sungevity installs solar panels in California, New York, Delaware, New Jersey and Maryland

Not to be outdone, SolarCity today announced Go solar and save $1,000 off,
now until July 31 2011!  

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cash back schedule

Chase Freedom 5%

Thank you for signing up for 5% Cashback Bonus for Discover Card
2011 Calendar
Get More Calendar         

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jack Ma crossed line 马云越线当诛

  1. Jack Ma broke his fiduciary trust with stock holders such as Yahoo and Softbank.
  2. VIE (variable interest entity) is put to the front. The Chinese central bank, Renmin Bank will have to respond.
  3. His Chinese peers, such as Robin Li from Baidu, hate him, because all the Chinese internet companies are based on VIE.
  4. Insider trading by Jack Ma.  支付宝changed to 浙江阿里巴巴商务有限公司(下称浙江阿里巴巴)
  5. 马云资金来源可靠吗?有无交税?
  6. 马云持支付宝80%股权谢世煌20%
Jack Ma is finished.

Friday, June 17, 2011

京沪高铁人均百公里能耗: 高铁(3.64度定员1004人)pk电车 (5-21度)北京上海

CRH”的简称,这是“中国铁路高速”(China Railway High-speed)

京沪高铁开通初期,每天开行90对列车 (18W expected)

功率 ~1万千瓦, 1马力=0.735千瓦, 1.3万马力

据介绍,列车制动时牵引电机会转换为发电机,能量反馈给电网,发电功率比牵引功率高50%。列车最大限度使用再生制动,再生制动利用率达90%。CRH 380A以300km /h运行时,人均百公里能耗3.64度,相当于客运飞机的1/12,小轿车的1/8、大型客车的1/3。京沪一次旅行人均能耗为48度电。

Chinese high speed railway between Beijing and Shanghai is rated at 3.64 kWh/(km.person)
Nissan Leaf is rated by US EPA 34    kWh of electric energy/100 miles, or 21 度/百公里. With four people in a Nissan Leaf, 人均百公里能耗5度


Rev projection
RMB 30 M
5% return at the best. 


京沪线将减开47对列车 动车组全部转到京沪高铁

对于此次减少京沪线列车,有专家表示,不同线 路客流量在不同时段相对固定,新线开通必然会分流旅客,为了流量的平衡,经过科学计算之后铁路部门必然会减少其他一些列车班次。同时,京沪高铁的一个重要 作用就是分流京沪线压力。目前,京沪线铁路利用率已经超饱和。京沪线减少客车利于“客货分流”,缓解货运压力。根据铁道部提供的数据,京沪高铁开通初期, 既有京沪线释放的运输能力每天可增运货物14万吨。
这名专家同时表示,客观上讲,减少京沪线列车 必将使这部分客流转向京沪高铁,提高京沪高铁的上座率,有利于收回投资。但普速列车站点多,票价低,往往是注重经济成本的旅客的首选。该专家建议,这次减 少普速列车要注重保留站多价廉的慢车,方便农民工等经济实力较弱人群出行,这才符合铁路公益性原则。
铁道部运输局综合部主任李军:北京南-上海虹桥一站直达2对,只在南 京南一站停车,运行时间4小时48分钟,9点和14点整点开行;北京南至上海虹桥省际直达6对,在济南西、南京南2个省会城市车站停车,运行时间在5个小 时左右;北京南-上海虹桥交错停站列车33对,在沿途车站交错停车,停站数一般不超过6个,运行时间大约5小时30分钟左右。其中,大站停2分钟,其它车 站1-2分钟。
李军:京沪高铁开通初期,全线开通列车90 对,这个方案对于京沪高铁的设计能力来说,还是很宽松的。从线路和运营角度考虑,京沪高铁全线开行200多对动车组没有问题。初期的开行方案,要看能够满 足京沪两地及沿线的需求。开通之后,铁道部还会根据经营情况和市场需求做相应的调整,增加开行车次。
VIP旅客是指乘坐商务座和一等座旅客。在北 京南、天津西、济南西、南京南、上海虹桥5个大站设专区候车,配备专职服务员全程引导、行李搬运专口进站、专机安检等免费服务,同时提供免费上网、报刊、 饮品、食品和行李搬运等服务。有条件的车站还提供专窗售票、专用车位临时停靠等服务。列车上为一等座旅客免费提供小食品、饮品、报纸等服务。为商务座车厢 旅客配备防寒毯、靠垫、眼罩、小毛巾、拖鞋、鞋套、耳机等服务备品。
(记者 易靖)

车厢数量 CRH380A18
车厢数量 590(预定)
车厢数量 590(预定)
编组方式 10 辆编组(8M2T
编组方式 10 辆编组(8M2T
编组方式 CRH2380A6M2T
营运最高速度 2011年春季 - 2013年春季:300 km/h
营运最高速度 2011年春季 - 2013年春季:300 km/h
营运最高速度 380km/h
设计最高速度 360km/h
设计最高速度 360km/h
设计最高速度 400km/h
起动加速度 1.71km/h/s
起动加速度 1.71km/h/s
编组载客量 CRH380A610
载客量 731
载客量 731
Green Car55
Green Car55
编组长度 CRH380A203m
编组长度 253m
编组长度 253m
全长 先头车:25,700mm
全长 25,000 mm
全长 25,000 mm
全阔 3380mm
全阔 3,350mm
全阔 3,350mm
全高 3700mm
全高 3,650 mm
全高 3,650 mm
轴距 2500mm
轨距 1,435mm
车辆重量 E523型:41.5 t
车辆重量 E523型:41.5 t
电化方式 交流 25 kV50 Hz ,架空电缆取电
E514型:41.9 t
E514型:41.9 t
编组输出 CRH380A8800 kw
动力车厢:45.4 - 47.0t
动力车厢:45.4 - 47.0t
CRH380AL20440 kW
编组总重量 453.5t
编组总重量 453.5t
轨距 1,435mm
轨距 1,435mm
转向架 无摇枕空气弹簧转向架
电化方式 25,000V交流电(50Hz
电化方式 25,000V交流电(50Hz
制动方式 再生制动、直通式电空制动
电动机功率 300kW
电动机功率 300kW
制造商 南车四方机车Sifang
编组输出 300kW×32 = 9,960kW
编组输出 300kW×32 = 9,960kW
制造年份 CRH380A2010
齿轮比 2.645
齿轮比 2.645
投入服务日期 CRH380A2010
驱动装置 TD平行驱动方式
驱动装置 TD平行驱动方式

保安装置 DS-ATC
保安装置 DS-ATC

制造商 日立制作所 Hitachi
制造商 日立制作所 Hitachi

川崎重工业 Kawasaki

制造年份 2009年~2011
制造年份 2009年~2011

投入服务日期 20113月(预定)
投入服务日期 20113月(预定)

CRH2A:300 kW x 16 = 4,800 kW千瓦
CRH2B/E:300 kW x 32 = 9600 kW千瓦
交流 25 kV,50 Hz架空電纜取電
CRH2C(第一阶段):300 kW x 24 = 7,200 kW千瓦
CRH2C(第二阶段):365 kW x24 = 8,760 kW千瓦


VIE是什么?Variable Interest Entities 会导致中国海外上市公司一文不值吗?


RTO (reverse takeover)

MBO (management buyout)

TMT (technology, media, telecommunication)

even the aircraft carrier started with a shell Varyag?


VIE模式(可变利 益实体Variable Interest Entities)

这时,有一位聪明绝顶的会计,想出个办法:在海外成立一家壳公司B,B(或者通过其在国内 设立的全资子公司C)与内资的公司A签订一份几十年的协议,将A所有债务和权益都转给B,B以此在海外成功上市。史称新浪模式,也就是VIE模式(可变利 益实体Variable Interest Entities)。目前在海外上市的绝大多数中国企业,都采用该模式,包括新浪、百度、腾讯、阿里巴巴(1688)等。

 盛巧借曲线控股 高盛高华成首家外资控股券商

加入日期:2006-5-29 16:27:26
高盛拥有33%的股份,这一数字是目前中国证监会允许外资参股合资证券公司的最高上限。其余67%的股份由三个月前刚刚成 立的高华证券拥有。   令其他外资投行羡慕的是,通过巧妙的股权以及贷款安排,高盛已经成为包括高华证券以及高盛高华证券在内的事实上的控股方。此举突破了以往外资在合资券 商中的控制权限。   高盛称,通过这一新成立的实体,高盛将首次为中国国内客户提供全面的投资银行服务。高盛高华可以承销本地上市的A股项目、人民币企业债券以及可转换债 券,也可以提供国内金融顾问以及其他服务。而高华证券则持有在中国境内经营全面证券业务的牌照,包括一般合资券商不能涉足的A股经纪业务。   高华证券由以方风雷为首的6个自然人联合了中国的IT公司联想集团(行情 论坛)共同发起。这6个自然人占有高华四分之三的股份,他们约8.04亿元的出资均来源于高盛公司的商业贷款。

Sunday, June 12, 2011

马云为什么错了 违背支撑市场经济契约原则


Yahoo plan:

Get enough money, minor stake holder, it depends how much money it can get and how the public responds to the negotiation outcome with Alibaba. If everything goes well, Jerry Yang could come back to Yahoo to replace CEO Bartz.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Renren Investors Wake Up!

In the recent frauds in the Chinese reverse takeover (RTO) stocks investors suddenly realize that they can't sue the Chinese companies' management. Many times they don't even know if they are US or Chinese citizens, or which laws apply.

Let's look at recent Renren IPO, touted as Chinese Facebook, based on its S-1,
several risks show up
  1. Joseph Yizhou Chen was at Oak Pacific Interactive backed by Softbank Japan, why change to Renren?
  2. RENN stock holders' ownership is 13.4%, but voting power only 3.3%. American investors shut up?
  3. For foreign capitals, it is much easy to move money into China than to take from China.  Ask Mr Chen if and when there will be a cash dividend. Milk American cash cow.
  4. Joseph Yizhou Chen 陈一舟, is an American citizen and can't register websites such as Qianxiang Tiancheng (Thousand Oaks) by himself. The founder doesn't own the websites. Emperor's new clothes, sue Mr Chen in the US?
  5. Derek Palaschuk was to be appointed then suddenly resigned before Renren's IPO. Derek Palaschuk is involved in the fraud of Longtop Financial Technologies. per its S-1 "Mr. Derek Palaschuk will serve as our independent director upon the SEC’s declaration of effectiveness of our registration statement"
  6. Chen owned stock of Elong through Oak Pacific Interactive, you know what, also from S-1", Mr. Palaschuk has served as the chief financial officer of Longtop Financial Technologies Limited, a China-based NYSE-listed company, since September 2006. Prior to this, Mr. Palaschuk served as chief financial officer of eLong Inc," SOHU as well. Self dealing?
  7. Renren's auditor is Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. Fraud Longtop Financial Technologies also shared Deloitte as its auditor.
  8. Fudged the registered user number at Renren websites. Illusion. Because those internet companies have negative or small profit to report, then Wall Street analysts invented some other criteria to measure company's success.
  9. SB Pan Pacific, part of Softbank Japan, an investor in Renren, has a very bad meaning in Chinese for SB. SB means 傻逼,傻B in Chinese, "dumb ass" in English.


I can't say Renren stock offering is a fraud, but it certainly fits all the fraud patterns.

Lost in translation or on purpose: 构建世界传媒新秩序≠Toward a New World Media Order

Toward a New World Media Order as published in Wall Street Journal vs 构建世界传媒新秩序, as published in Chinese websites. It should be translated into "To Build a World Media New Order" from Chinese version.

I don't know if Mr Li speaks English and if Wall Street Journal Staff translates the article. There is a big difference between Toward a New World Media Order as published and To Build a World Media New Order. The published title wants to hide the ambition of China to control the world order.

What is the piece all about? The next piece is presumably written by Li Congjun, a single person. Actually, according to Chineese media tradition, it expresses the views of Chinese government. Without the explicit consent from Chinese communist government, Li will not and can't publish such an article. This is just a piece of Chinese spin.

Toward a New World Media Order 

Wall Street Journal 20110601

By Li Congjun

The world established a new international order after World War II with the founding of the United Nations. For over six decades, the international community has endeavored to create a more balanced, just and rational political and economic order.
Unfortunately the rules governing the international media order lag behind the times, especially compared to changes in politics and economics. The gap is seen, first and foremost, in the extremely uneven pattern of international communication. The flow of information is basically one-way: from West to East, North to South, and from developed to developing countries.
In 1980, the 21st General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) addressed the imbalance and inequality in international news reporting and called for a new order in international mass communication. Over the years, a growing number of insightful people, including many from the West, have proposed changes with the conviction that the existing order is far from just, rational and balanced.
In our interdependent world, the human community needs a set of more civilized rules to govern international mass communication. This reminds me of bridge, a game I truly enjoy. Modern bridge is known as contract bridge, indicating that players are bound by a contract and the game is a bidding process, in which wise and effective exchanges of information rely on collaboration and communication carried out in a fair and just manner.
Earlier variations of bridge, known as bridge-whist or straight bridge, were different. In bridge-whist, there was no bidding and the game was all about gambling, making communication difficult. The modern game has been shaped by gradual rule changes over the years.
The "bridge" linking modern information flow and the international media is crumbling, in a sense, due to a lack of fair "contracting" and "gaming." This situation is incompatible with the contemporary world. An unjust and irrational order hinders the global media industry's sustainable development and contributes to the problems in today's world. We need to start a constructive reform through rule changes to rebuild the bridge of communication and let the media industry play a more active role in promoting the advancement of human civilization.
Four principles should guide changes in the value system:
• Fairness: This requires that media organizations from all countries should have the right to participate in international communication on equal terms. Those media organizations in turn should provide comprehensive, objective, fair, balanced and accurate coverage to minimize discrimination and prejudice.
• All-win: It is advisable to create conditions allowing media organizations from different countries to share the fruits of development in information and communication industries, to play an active role in international mass communication, and to reverse the unbalanced situation where the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker.
• Inclusion: To maintain the world's diversity, media must respect the unique cultures, customs, beliefs and values of different nations; strive to dispel suspicions and remove barriers between different cultures and civilizations; enhance dialogue and communication; and seek common ground while putting aside differences.
• Responsibility: Media organizations should not only ensure openness and transparency to promote the building of an open society, but also keep to rational and constructive rules so as to turn mass communication into an active force for promoting social progress.
We must also keep improving rules and explore new mechanisms governing international communication. Unesco should actively negotiate and settle issues within the U.N. framework. However, it is necessary to keep improving rules and, when the conditions are ripe, to explore a long-term, nongovernmental mechanism to coordinate the global media industry, something like a "media U.N." This can be a mechanism for global media exchanges and consultation, and it may evolve into an organization for coordination and maybe even arbitration.
A sports analogy may help explain what I mean. Ping-pong, or table tennis, played a unique role in restoring China-U.S. relations in the 1970s and is known as China's "national sport." For many years, Chinese ping-pong players have taken the top prize in almost all major international events. This presents a paradox: The stronger a team becomes, the more it desires to maintain its position and keep improving. However, when a team is invincible for too long, few others are inclined to compete.
In the long run, the sport in which China enjoys so much advantage will be less appealing, less viable, and may eventually be excluded from future Olympic Games. In fact, ping-pong has undergone a series of major rule changes over the past two decades. After the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, the older 38mm balls were replaced by 40mm balls and the former 21-point scoring system was changed to an 11-point system. These changes, aimed at limiting the advantage of "super players," have made the sport more enticing to players from different countries.
The theories of "checking superpower" and "maintaining equilibrium" also apply to the media. It is time to reverse the marginalization of developing nations in the media, change their underdeveloped status, and enhance their rights of expression in the international media market. To that end, a mechanism for international cooperation, exchange and coordination is needed, as well as an increase in funds and technical support for media from developing countries.
Almost five decades after the discovery of the double helix, James Watson said in his book, "DNA: The Secret of Life," that the Human Genome Project found that human beings are similar in genetic makeup. Our common ground is far wider than any potential gulf that threatens to separate us.
Information flow, like gene transcription and expression, plays a vital role in the evolution of civilization. Resetting rules and order in the international media industry is an adaptation to the trend of democratization of international relations. With diversified expression and information flow, we can mend the broken bridge of cross-cultural communication and build an information link to the future.
Mr. Li is president of China's Xinhua News Agency.


美国《华尔街日报》61日文章 题:



    是的,在相互依存的当代世界,人类共同体的确需要一种更 加文明的信息传播规则和秩序。因此想到我比较爱好的桥牌运动。现代桥牌称为定约桥牌。所谓定约,也就是合同。博弈过程就是一个签订合同的过程,有效而 智慧的信息传递,取决于公平条件下的协作沟通。而早期的桥牌,即惠斯特纸牌游戏,却不是这样。它的赌博色彩太重,没有竞叫,不利于信息的变换沟 通,后来逐渐改变了规则,才形成今天的现代桥牌。
    可以认为,由于目前国际传播缺乏足够公平的定约与博弈,现代信息流和国际舆论场的正在发生某种断裂。这种状况与当今世界十分不相适应。不公正、不合理的国际舆论秩序不仅直接影响国际传播的可持续发展,而且在一定程度上也是造成当今世界 一些矛盾和问题的因素。要重构我们的沟通之桥,从而让信息舆论传播在人类文明进程中扮演更加积极的角色,我们需要共同努力,在传媒领域进行一次建设性的游戏规则变革。

    ——更加公平( Fairness):就是一方面要实现各个地区和国家媒体以平等身份普遍参与国际传播进程的权利;另一方面,不同国家和地区的媒体对国际、地区和各国情况进行全面、客观、公正、平衡、真实、准确的报道,最大限度减少歧视和偏见。

  我们还要不断完善规则,探索建立全球传播治理机制。一方 面,联合国教科文组织应更加积极地在联合国框架内协商和解决国际传播涉及的各种问题。另一方面,不断改进和完善规则,并随着条件的逐渐成熟,研究和探索建 立一种非政府性的全球媒体协调长效机制,姑且称之为媒体联合国。这可以是一种非实体性的全球媒体交流协商机制,也可以逐步发展为一种具有协调乃至仲裁 功能的机构。
对此,我们还是可以在体育运动中得到启示。曾经在中美关系史上发 挥过特殊作用的乒乓球,被称为中国的国球。多年来,在大型国际赛事中,中国运动员常常包揽全部金牌。这给中国乒乓球运动的发展带来一种悖论。一方面, 越是强大,就越想进一步保持和扩大实力;另一方面,一支力量独霸乒坛,长此以往,由于参与性可能不断萎缩,中国十分擅长的这项运动却可能逐渐丧失吸引力和 生命力,甚至有一天可能会退出奥林匹克舞台。事实上,乒乓球比赛的规则和制度安排在过去的二十多年中进行了一系列重要修改。特别是从 2000年悉尼奥运会之后,球的直径从原来的38毫米改为40毫米,每局分数从21分改为11分。这些调整都着眼于对超级强手的制衡,提高了各个国家 和地区运动员的参赛积极性。
    力量制约与均衡原理同样适用于传媒发展。就国际传播格局 而言,当务之急是大力扭转广大发展中国家媒体在国际传播秩序中的边缘化趋势,大力改变发展中国家媒体相对落后的发展状况,大力增强发展中国家媒体在国际舆 论场上的表达权、话语权、传播权。为此,要通过国际合作、交流与协调机制,大力增加对发展中国家媒体的资金和技术支持。


在文明的演进中,信息传播就像基因的转录和表达,发挥着 至关重要的作用。从根本上说,重建国际舆论场规则和秩序的核心在于,适应国际关系民主化趋势。在传播多元化与表达多样性的基础上,修补人类沟通之桥的断 裂,建造一座通向未来的信息之桥。(新华通讯社社长李从军)

8th Annual 北京网媒上海红色故土行 迎接建党90周年, Red Chinese Tech CEOs

Dear American stock investors in those Chinese internet/media companies such as Baidu, Sina, Renren, etc, what do you think their CEOs are doing? Are they communists? Wake up investors! 

Stock market is the center of the capitalism. Communism and capitalism don't mix and they are against each other.

How can Chinese Tech CEOs reconcile the gap between communism and capitalism? Do they have to dance with Chinese Communist Party? Do they dance with full faith or just put up a show? Why are they laughing? Yes, they are celebrating the formation of 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. Chinese Tech CEOs Pledge to Walk 'Red' Road

Sina CEO Charles Chao 新浪曹国伟 has very good reasons to laugh. He and his cronies just sold 1.25 M shares of shares based on SEC Schedule 13d/a filing. Sina stock price tanked. More management selling is on the way. (MBO management buyout)

Let's look at the history of CEO selling.

曹国伟连续套现 新浪管理层已不再是第一大股东 再以曹国伟为例说明。新浪当时宣布以每股32.14美元的价格增发的管理层,受这一消息的刺激,新浪股价持续上涨,曹国伟借机以45美元的平均价套现了 50万股,然后拿这笔钱作为MBO资金的一部分,高卖低买之间将他手中的股票从1股变成了1.4股,新浪却因MBO定价过低在一个季度计提了1020万美 元的一次性损失。(this can be called insider-trading.)


6月8日向SEC递交的SC 13D/A文件披露,公司股东之一 New-Wave Investment Holding Company Limited(新浪投资控股公司)已与高盛旗下公司Goldman Sachs Financial Markets签订了一份远期出售交易(forward sale transaction)协议。根据该协议,新浪管理层已于6月3日签订协议,约定出售部分MBO股票,出售股份最多不超过125万份

Based on the sign in the background, this is the 8th annual celebration of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. 北京网媒上海红色故土行 迎接建党90周年

6月8日,上海,曹国伟(左二)与李彦宏(右二)等一同拿起手中红色的旗帜挥舞。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP _北京网媒上海红色故土行  迎接建党90周年

6月8日,上海,曹国伟(左二)与李彦宏(右二)等一同拿起手中红色的旗帜挥舞。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP

北京网媒上海红色故土行 迎接建党90周年

6月8日,上海,李彦宏宣读上海宣言。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP _北京网媒上海红色故土行  迎接建党90周年

20110608 6月8日,上海,Baidu CEO 百度CEO Robin Li 李彦宏代表网络媒体发表上海宣言。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP

北京网媒上海红色故土行 迎接建党90周年

6月8日,上海,新浪CEO曹国伟发言。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP _北京网媒上海红色故土行  迎接建党90周年

2 6月8日,上海,Sina CEO Charles Chao 新浪CEO曹国伟发言。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP

北京网媒上海红色故土行 迎接建党90周年

6月8日,上海,百度CEO李彦宏(中)、新浪CEO曹国伟(右)参加上海红色故乡行活动。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP _北京网媒上海红色故土行  迎接建党90周年

6月8日,上海,百度CEO李彦宏(中)、新浪CEO曹国伟(右)参加上海红色故土行活动。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP

北京网媒上海红色故土行 迎接建党90周年

6月8日,上海,百度CEO李彦宏(中)、人人公司董事长兼CEO陈一舟(左)参加上海红色故乡行活动。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP _北京网媒上海红色故土行  迎接建党90周年

6月8日,上海,百度CEO李彦宏(中)、人人公司董事长兼CEO陈一舟(左)参加上海红色故土行活动。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP

北京网媒上海红色故土行 迎接建党90周年

6月8日,上海,百度CEO李彦宏来到一大会址内参观。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP _北京网媒上海红色故土行  迎接建党90周年

6月8日,上海,百度CEO李彦宏来到一大会址内参观。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP

北京网媒上海红色故土行 迎接建党90周年

6月8日,上海,新浪CEO曹国伟在一大会址内参观,还不时拿出手机拍摄。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP _北京网媒上海红色故土行  迎接建党90周年

2011 6月8日,上海,新浪CEO曹国伟在一大会址内参观,还不时拿出手机拍摄。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP

6月8日,上海,北京网络媒体上海红色故乡行代表团团员一同合影留念。百度、新浪、搜狐、网易、千龙等北京30家网站的近80位高层管理人员齐聚中国共产党的诞生地上海,追寻一大足迹,共迎建党90周年。 CFP _北京网媒上海红色故土行  迎接建党90周年

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Apple Inc New Site is not green at all, its underground self-parking could be fatal

Apple's new site in Cupertino. The red line will be the new site. Outer diameter of Apple Space Ship is over 1200 feet.
Steve Jobs visited Cupertino City Council on 6/7/2011 to discuss Apple Inc's new site. The new site looks great on a glance. Apple is moving close to a site owned by Foxconn, who is led by dictator Chairman Terry Tai-Ming Gou, sometimes written as Terry Guo, ( 郭台銘;  郭台铭). Those two companies can walk to each other's site to collaborate now.

Notwithstanding its bad acronym for Apple Space Ship, the new site is touted as green. Jobs said it will use natural gas to make electricity as the main source of power supply. The closest thing I can think of is the local company's fuel cell at Bloom Inc. I can safely say that natural gas fuel cell isn't necessarily more efficient than a coal power plant. You can also spot the solar panel in the above picture.

Another interesting part is parking will be underground. I assume that drivers have to drive to park themselves. The underground parking will need lighting 24/7. This wastes electricity. The biggest challenge is how to handle the exhaust from the tailpipes? Otherwise, lung cancers. Based on my estimation, the 9000-car underground garage will need to move 1 to 10 billion feet of air in and out of the garage per day. That is a lot of pumps and air. The closest thing I can think of is a diesel submarine which can consumes a few tons of diesel fuel a day.

For Apple's new underground garage 1 million cubic feet fresh air alone is needed to burn the gasoline per day. In a closed system, a pump can handle that 694 ft3/min airflow. There will be also carbon dioxide and other nasty exhaustion from the tailpipes. For CO2 alone, (CO2 in the air is now as high as 400 ppm v/v), on a static basis, 2.5 billion cubic feet fresh air free of CO2 is needed. I haven't even considered suspended particulates (PM 20), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and the nasty nitrogen oxides (NOs), other radical byproducts (such as HO.) produced in the gasoline combustion. Long term exposure to low level of those pollutants  has negative health effects. The worse case is lung cancer.

The next is estimation basis:

9000 cars parked underground
2 miles/hour speed in the garage
10 min drive time to drive
5 miles per gallon MPG at this low speed
600 gallon of gasoline will be burned inside the underground garage.
Stoichiometric air/fuel, weight 14.7
Air needed
14.7g/g*600gallon*6Lb/gallon*454g/Lb=24,000 kg~24 million liters~1 million ft3